Sunday, 23 January 2011

Weigh in #2

This week, I lost 4 lbs! I'm really pleased with that! I'm thinking that in the near future I'll do a post with a list of my goals, then if I'm ever feeling a little low, or discouraged, I can look back on it and remember why I'm doing this.

I think the 4lb weight loss was helped along by the fact that I returned to the gym this week, after a three month hiatus. It felt so good to be back in the pool doing lengths; swimming is my exercise of choice. I've also been to a couple of Zumba classes (which I LOVE) - one was amazing, the other wasn't as good but it wasn't the usual instructor. Zumba is so much fun! I also went to a yoga class as well. I've done a few classes at different places, but this one was the best I've been to. The instructor did different poses, and more than just basic ones too. I'm really only a beginner but can't wait to get more advanced and more flexible!

So all in all, I had a pretty good week! How was your week?


Anonymous said...

And fun is the most important thing of all. What do they say, "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life." How about, "Love what you do and you will never work-out a day in your life." Great weight loss. Congrats.

Groff's Girl said...

4 pounds!!! That is awesome!!!! I am hoping to try out the Zumba once my husband is off of his 12 hour night shifts. I cannot wait. My first class will be Monday, Feb 7th!!! Way to go on the weight loss. I am upping the exercise and tracking hard core, but it is stuck at the same weight for 3 weeks...grr!!

Vegan Chick Pea said...

Hi :) Thanks for checking out my blog! :) A friend just gave me a recipe to a vegan carrot cake. Interested? :) said...

4 lbs - that's awesome! You're doing all the right things. I had a pretty good loss too, but it was my first week so it's to be expected. Cheers, Rick

Lori said...


It certainly is a great thing when you find an exercise that you love!

Anonymous said...

Congrat son the 4lbs! That's awesome!

Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said...

Congratulations on the weight loss! That is great. It helps to get into things you love to do! I hope you are having a great week so far!

Natalie said...

Congratulations on the weight loss! Fitness is so much easier when you're having fun eh?!

Stephanie said...

Congrats on the weight loss! Zumba is so much far my favourite exercise class. I just wish that my gym had a class that meshed a bit better with my schedule.

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome!!! Congratulations!! I cannot believe I still have not tried Zumba, I swear I do everything BUT Zumba! I am going to give it a try this coming week since it is my last week in Okinawa!! I have tried TRX, started out with weight and interval training again and am going to really switch up my cardio...I really let myself get too overwhelmed with food, and what I should eat, not worrying about what I am eating, belly issues, etc. I just decided to go back to Weight Watchers today and have gluten-free preferences to help my out with the stomach stuff. I hope I can get a 4 pounds weight loss to help me jump start my desire to think less and enjoy more! Way to you, that is so wonderful and motivating for all who read your blog :):):)


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