Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Fish Curry

I'm done with feeling sad that Christmas is over for another year, and now I'm looking forward to 2012 and all that it might bring. This knowledge was cemented for me when I was trying to decide what to have for dinner tonight, I suddenly remembered my Turkey Curry recipe. Another sign that Christmas is well and truly done for me though: not being able to face the idea of even one more mouthfull of turkey.

So I had a look in the freezer, and we had some fish that had been there a while... Hmm. One of my favourite dishes to get when we go out for a curry is a fish curry, so I decided to swap the turkey for fish, and let me tell you - it was delicious! We enjoyed this with some rice and naan bread. I made it exactly the same as the original recipe, just substituted haddock for turkey, although I suspect any white fish would be just as good.


1 comment:

Lexie Bowman said...


Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment. I love your blog too and can't wait to read more of it!

Lexie x x x


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