So when I saw CCV's recipe for banana butter. I thought it would be the perfect thing to accompany my morning apple and I couldn't wait to try it out!
I wasn't disappointed, and I'm sure this is one recipe I'll be making often! As a further ode to the lovely CCV, I decided to eat my apple this morning...
...with chopsticks! Yum!
Make sure to stop by CCV's blog, because she's got another fantastic giveaway going on at the minute, and it's not too late to enter!
Oh my gosh, Emma! This is one of my favorite posts EVER for so many reasons (the #1 being that you used chopsticks). I'll definitely enter you seven times. And may I feature you and your adorableness in an upcoming post sometime this month or next?
Thanks Katie, I'm glad you liked it ^_^
And sure, I'd be flattered if you wanted to feature me on your blog!
What a great way to get more fruit in my teenagers and they wouldn't be the wiser.
this looks absolutely delish! i can't wait to get some apples. mmmmm also i want to try that raw cookie recipe.
tallysoma from swap-bot
I really do believe in an apple a day. I ate an apple a day last winter and I didn't feel sick or catch any colds. There is something to this theory.
Have the ingredients on hand and know what I'll be trying this week! Thanks for posting this idea and the link.
freespirit66 on Swap-Bot
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